First Name
Last Name
What is your current career? How long have you been in this career?
What does your career mean to you?
Pays the bills, a means to an end.
Some fulfillment would be nice but I can fill that need through other activities
I’ve always wanted my career to be a calling on my life, where I make a difference using my natural strengths
How aligned are you with your natural strengths, your passion, and your values?
So out of alignment that I feel like an imposter at work and cannot be myself. I’m exhausted by it all and need to make a change!
The values of my employer/boss do not align with mine.
My current career and workplace pairs perfectly with my values, strengths and passion. I’m content.
As you consider your career, how did you get here? What were the influences in your life?
I feel like outside forces and people heavily influenced where I am today. I never really sought out a career that aligned with my desires, rather I wanted to follow a path laid out by others. Their pride in me was most important.
I kind of just landed in my career. I didn’t put a great deal of thought into it at the time.
As I chose my career, I considered input from family, friends, teachers; yet also considered some of my own desires for my life.
I spent a great deal of time considering my career, including factors such as my strengths, values, and life purpose. Outside influences did not factor in much for me.
How do you feel about your current career? Check all that apply
I am emotionally exhausted in a career that pays the bills but doesn’t fulfill me.
The values of my employer/boss do not align with mine.
I don’t feel valued or heard
I feel like I’m only staying here for the paycheck, benefits so I can continue to support my family and lifestyle
I can’t wait to be done each day and dread going back the next day.
I am at the point in my life that I want to feel meaning and purpose in my work
I'm not desperate to leave where I am, but want to start planning for my next career
How is your career affecting your personal life?
I’m not my best self, and my family and friends are definitely feeling the effects of it which makes me sad
I have good days and bad days with my family and friends. It all depends on how things are going at work that day.
My career is not having any negative effects on my home life or time with friends.
How equipped do you feel in making a change in your career?
I have no idea where to start. It is overwhelming to even think of changing careers.
While I don’t feel fully equipped, I do feel I’m ready to make a change with the support of a coach. My heart and head are ALL in!
I clearly see the path forward, each step needed to reach my ultimate career.
Why are you motivated to make a career change now? Select all that apply.
I’ve been so focused on the needs of others in my lifetime and feel motivated to take care of ME now
I am financially stable and able to take some risks knowing I have a nest egg to fall back on
I’m miserable in my current career and just know that for my own well-being, I need to make a change
I am in the midst of an epiphany related to my career, a deep knowing that I’m not in the career for me. I cannot, NOT see it and feel that I have no choice to move forward in the direction of my dream career.
The values of my employer/boss are completely out of alignment with mine. I can no longer live with myself in this place of employment. I am afraid it may (or has) changed who I am and what I stand for
All the above
Why haven’t you made a career change up to this point? What have been your biggest challenges? Select all that apply.
Fearful to take the leap, lacking confidence in myself
Concerned I don’t have the transferrable skills to change careers. Feel like my time has come and gone.
Don’t know where to start. I’ve been in my career so long that changing overwhelms me
It just seems easier to stay where I’m at . . . and retirement is ONLY 5-15 years away. It would just be easier to stay the course.
All the Above
How clear are you on your own strengths, values, and passion in life?
I’m at a complete loss. I’ve never completed any assessments to identify my strengths, values, or passions. I’m also not into ready self-help books or listening to podcasts.
I know a bit, basically what others have told me about myself.
I’ve invested a great deal of time with personality assessments, books, journaling and discussions with friends, colleagues and family members on my strengths, values, and passions. If you look at my bookshelf, there is clear evidence of my own self-awareness journey. I just haven’t taken a leap!
How will having your dream career change your life? Select all that apply
I will be able to leverage all that is within me because I’m in a career meant just for me
I will be making a difference with something that is important to me
I will work with people who have the same beliefs and values as me
It will feel like home
My family and friends will get the best of me
My own well-being will be at its peak
My confidence in my self will grow
All the above
What is it costing you to keep going “as is” and NOT change what you are currently doing? Select all that apply
My own well-being, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
Meaningful relationships with family and friends
Confidence in myself
Alignment with own values to meet the expectations of my employer/boss
Regret for what could have been
All the above
Select statement that best describes you:
I am ready and willing to invest in coaching for myself
I am considering my willingness to invest in coaching for myself
I am interested in learning more but not ready to invest in coaching for myself
Are you open to being challenged with new ideas and to question some of your assumptions and self-limiting beliefs?
Challenge the heck out of me
No . . .
Maybe, I’m just not sure
How committed are you to making a change in your career?
Not committed Yet
I’m not sure, on the fence
Totally Committed, Let’s Do It!
What other investments have you made in your self growth? Select all that apply
Lots of books and podcasts to increase my self awareness and improve my mindset
Career research
Assessments to better understand my strengths, values, personality, etc.
Other coaches
All the above
Which packages are you interested in?
Career Kickstart Program
3 Month Accelerator - Career Clarity & Confidence Program
6 Month Signature - Career Clarity & Confidence Program
Unsure, looking for more information to decide
What would be a reason why you wouldn’t move forward with this coaching program?
Are there any other decision makers in this process? If so, how would you like to include them in this process?
Please share any other information you believe would be helpful to our conversation together.