Midlife Magic: How Women Can Transform Career Doubts into a Dream Job Blueprint

Hey there, amazing midlife women! 

As a mindset coach specializing in supporting midlife women, I've seen firsthand the unique challenges we face and incredible potential we possess. Making big changes at this stage of life can be both exhilarating and… pretty scary! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, career changes are becoming more common for workers over 40.

You may have even identified your dream job based on your own unique strengths, values, and passions accumulated over decades of life experience. Maybe you're feeling confident one moment, but then those pesky doubts start creeping in. Sound familiar?

Well, as a mindset coach for midlife women, I'm here to tell you that's completely normal! But here's the exciting part – we're not going to let those doubts hold us back. Instead, we're going to transform them into powerful allies on your journey to career fulfillment. This transformation is what I call "Midlife Magic," and it's a process I've guided countless women through.

Grab a pen and paper, and let's turn those doubts into your superpower!

Step 1: Expose Your Doubts

In my mindset coaching, I always start by bringing those hidden doubts into the light. For midlife women considering a career change, these doubts often stem from years of experiences, both positive and challenging. Let's get them all out in the open!

Write down at least 5 doubts you have about your career transition. Here are some common ones I hear from midlife women:

"What if I'm too old to start a new career?"

"What if I can't make enough money to support my lifestyle?"

"What if I'm not tech-savvy enough for today's job market?"

"What if I can't compete with younger candidates?"

"What if I'm throwing away years of experience in my current field?"

Don't hold back, ladies! As a mindset coach, I can assure you that the more honest you are, the more powerful this exercise becomes. Remember, acknowledging these doubts doesn't make them true – it's the first step in overcoming them.

In my years of working with midlife women, I've noticed that these doubts often come from societal expectations or past experiences. But here's the truth: your age is an asset, NOT a liability. Your years of experience have given you invaluable skills like problem-solving, communication, and adaptability – skills that are in high demand in every industry.

Step 2: Create Prevention Strategies

Now, ladies, it's time to tap into your wealth of life experience and get creative. For each doubt you've listed, we're going to brainstorm ways to prevent it from becoming a reality.

I'm challenging you to think outside the box. If you're worried about being too old, could you take a course to update your skills? (Tip: Platforms like Coursera offer numerous courses for career development!) This not only addresses the concern but also demonstrates your commitment to lifelong learning – a highly valued trait in today's job market.

Concerned about technology? Maybe it's time to enroll in some online classes or ask a tech-savvy friend for help. You might even consider reverse mentoring, where you pair up with a younger colleague to exchange skills – you offer your wealth of experience, and they help you navigate new technologies.

If you're worried about competing with younger candidates, focus on your unique strengths. As a midlife woman, you bring maturity, reliability, and a strong work ethic to the table. These are qualities that many employers value highly.

Remember, as midlife women, you have a lifetime of problem-solving experience. Use it to your advantage! Every challenge you've overcome in your personal and professional life has prepared you for this moment.

Step 3: Develop a Backup Plan

Life loves to throw curveballs, especially when we're making big changes. That's why, as a mindset coach for midlife women, I always encourage having a backup plan. This isn't about doubting yourself – it's about being prepared and confident.

For each doubt, create a pre-emptive plan. What will you do if that doubt becomes a reality? For example, if you're worried about finances during your transition, could you start a side hustle or build up your savings now? (You wouldn’t be alone! The Harvard Business Review reports on the rising trend of women starting businesses in midlife!) Could you explore part-time or freelance opportunities in your new field to gain experience while maintaining some income?

If you're concerned about throwing away years of experience, think about how your current skills might translate to your new field. Often, our experiences are more transferable than we realize. As a mindset coach, I've helped many midlife women uncover connections between their past careers and their new aspirations.

This step is crucial because it gives you confidence. As midlife women, you've navigated countless challenges – from raising children to managing households to building careers. This is just one more adventure, and you're prepared for whatever comes your way!

Step 4: Share Your Plans

Here's where many midlife women hesitate, but as a mindset coach, I'm going to push you a bit! It's time to share your doubts, prevention strategies, and backup plans with someone you trust.

Talking about your plans makes them real. It helps you envision the possibilities and often leads to even more ideas and support. As midlife women, you've built a network of friends, family, and colleagues over the years. Tap into that network – you might be surprised at the encouragement and resources you'll find.

Sharing also holds you accountable. When we keep our plans to ourselves, it's easy to let them slide. But when we involve others, we're more likely to follow through. Plus, you never know who in your network might have a connection or opportunity that aligns perfectly with your new career goals.

I've seen incredible things happen when midlife women open up about their career aspirations. One of my clients, a former teacher, shared her plan to transition into corporate training. A friend of a friend heard about it and connected her with a company looking for someone with exactly her skill set. Your network is a powerful tool – don't be afraid to use it!

Now, let's recap what we've accomplished:

  1. We've exposed those doubts that were holding you back

  2. We've created prevention strategies for each doubt

  3. We've developed backup plans for added confidence

  4. We've committed to sharing our plans and building support

Can you feel the shift in your mindset, ladies? You've just transformed those doubts into a powerful career transition strategy!

As a mindset coach for midlife women, I've seen time and time again how this process can be transformative. It's never too late to pursue your dream career, and midlife is the perfect time to do it. You have the wisdom, the experience, and now the strategies to make it happen. (For more inspiration, check out this Forbes list of successful women who changed careers after 50!)

Your midlife years are not a time to slow down or settle – they're a time to leverage all you've learned and achieved. You're not starting over; you're starting from a place of strength, wisdom, and self-awareness that you didn't have in your younger years.

Remember, every successful person you admire has faced doubts and setbacks. The difference is in how they responded to these challenges. As midlife women, you have a resilience and perspective that can turn these doubts into stepping stones towards your goals.

Dive Even Deeper

If you're feeling energized and want to dive deeper, I'd love to work with you. As a mindset coach specializing in midlife women and career transitions, I offer a comprehensive program called the Career Mindset Kickstart Program. We'll work together to turn your career aspirations into reality, using powerful mindset techniques tailored for midlife women.

In this program, we go beyond just addressing doubts. We dive deep into identifying your unique strengths, aligning your career with your values, and creating a step-by-step plan to achieve your goals. We'll work on building your confidence, updating your personal brand, and navigating the modern job market with your wealth of experience.

Remember, this isn't the end of your career journey – it's an exciting new chapter! You have the wisdom, the experience, and now the mindset tools to make your dream career a reality. Let's embrace this midlife magic and create the career you've always wanted!

Mindset Coach Dawn La Rae stands in front of a door to brighter possibilities.

I’m Dawn LaRae, and I help mid-life professional women gain clarity and confidence in their next career chapter so they can experience passion and purpose in their work.

If you’re looking for some extra support, here are three ways I can help!

  1. We have a great community space FULL of tips, resources, and conversation for all of us mid-life ladies to support each other on our journeys together! Join the Mid-Life Career Transformation Community for Professional Women Facebook Group!

  2. Download your FREE Guide: 4 Steps to Uncovering Your Next and Best Career Chapter.

  3. Just want to have a conversation? Schedule a Discovery Call and let’s chat!


Unlock Career Clarity Through Energy Leadership: A Guide for Mid-Life Women


Unlock Your Superpowers: 4 Steps to Clarify and OWN Your Strengths for Career Clarity in Midlife