Don't Let Anyone Dim Your Light: A Midlife Career Wake-Up Call

Ladies, grab a cup of coffee (or tea!) and settle in, because I need to share something that's been tugging at my heart. As a midlife career coach, I see something that happens far too often: absolutely brilliant, capable women who've started believing the lies others tell about their abilities. And let me tell you about my amazing client - we’ll call her Jane. Her story is going to light a fire under you – in the best possible way!

Jane came to me carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. You know that feeling when your workload is so ridiculous that you can barely catch your breath? That was Jane. Her employer kept piling on responsibilities that would have crushed Wonder Woman herself. But instead of seeing this crazy situation for what it was, she'd started believing their story that she wasn't enough.

Now, let me pause right here and tell you something – the minute Jane appeared on my screen, I could see her brilliance shining through. She was intelligent, strategic, organized, and had "natural leader" written all over her. But gosh, those months (years, really) of subtle undermining had done their work. Like so many of us in our midlife career phase, she felt trapped in someone else's narrative about her capabilities.

The Wake-Up Call That Made Me Want to Dance!

Ladies, this is where it gets good! When Jane finally gathered her courage (and let me tell you, that took some deep work together) to explore new opportunities, something magical happened. Twenty minutes – just twenty minutes! – into an interview, the CEO stopped her mid-sentence and asked why on earth she wasn't applying for their VP position instead.

I wish you could have seen my face when Jane told me this! I was doing a happy dance in my home office. Because here's the thing that just lights me up inside: a complete stranger could see Jane's executive-level potential in less time than it takes to watch a sitcom, while years of negative messaging had convinced her to aim lower.

Why This Hits Home for Your Midlife Career

If you're sitting there nodding your head, feeling Jane's story in your bones, I want you to know something: you are SO not alone in this, sister. I've been there myself! It's crazy how easily we can absorb limiting beliefs from our work environment, especially when we've invested years or decades in spaces that don't truly celebrate our gifts.

Let's get real here for a minute. Ask yourself (and be honest – it's just us here):

  • Do you work somewhere where your best never seems quite good enough?

  • Have those little doubts started creeping in, whispering maybe they're right about you?

  • When was the last time you actually sat down and made a list of your amazing capabilities, without that inner critic jumping in?

Let's Turn This Ship Around: Your Practical Power Moves

Okay, my beautiful midlife warriors, if Jane's story has you feeling seen, I've got some tried-and-true strategies that have worked wonders with my clients. And yes, I use these myself – because coaches need coaching too!

  1. Look Back with Love: Take a gentle look at times you've let others define your worth. No beating yourself up allowed! We're just noticing patterns here, because awareness is the first step to change.

  2. Get Real with Your Awesome: Pull out that journal (you know, the pretty one you've been saving for "something special" – this is it!) and list your achievements and natural talents. Trust that gut feeling about what you're good at – your intuition has decades of wisdom behind it.

  3. Create Your Victory Log: Start documenting your wins, big and small. Did you handle a tough situation with grace? Write it down! Did you find an innovative solution to a problem? That goes in too! Then look at what personal qualities made those successes possible. That's your special sauce, honey, and don't let anyone tell you different.

  4. Arm Yourself with Power Phrases: You know those moments when someone tries to diminish your light? Have some responses ready. I love teaching my clients to say things like "I hear your perspective, and here's what I know about my capabilities..." Practice these until they feel natural.

The Beautiful Big Picture

Ladies, your midlife career should be your time to SHINE. We're talking full-wattage, stadium-lights bright! You've got decades of experience, wisdom that only comes from living real life, and perspectives that this world desperately needs.

Want to know what makes me do another happy dance? Jane didn't just land that VP position – she's absolutely crushing it. Why? Because she finally gave herself permission to be as brilliant as she truly is. She stopped dimming her light to make others comfortable with their own shadows.

Your Turn to Shine

Here's what I want you to take away from Jane's story (and I'm saying this with all the love and fierce belief in my heart): You don't need anyone's permission to recognize and celebrate your capabilities. This chapter of your midlife career can be your most powerful yet – but only if you refuse to let others write your story.

So please, please, please – keep shining your light. Be bold. Be brilliant. Be unapologetically you. The world needs your wisdom, your experience, and your unique gifts now more than ever.

And if you ever need someone in your corner, reminding you of your brilliance when you temporarily forget? That's why I'm here. Because watching women like Jane step into their power? That's what makes my own light shine brighter.

Let's make this midlife career chapter your best one yet, shall we?

Mindset Coach Dawn La Rae stands in front of a door to brighter possibilities.

I’m Dawn LaRae, and I help mid-life professional women gain clarity and confidence in their next career chapter so they can experience passion and purpose in their work.

If you’re looking for some extra support, here are three ways I can help!

  1. Follow me on LinkedIn! I share all kinds of resources, inspiration, and insights for midlife women in any phase of your career. Plus, you’ll get to join me LIVE every Friday for the Morning 20!

  2. How well does your current career align with your values, strengths, and purpose? Take my FREE Assessment to find out! Career Alignment Assessment.

Just want to have a conversation? Schedule a free Discovery Call and let’s chat!


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